U-Visas Attorney in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
Obtaining Status for Immigrant Victims
of Crime
The U-Visa
If you know someone who is out of status here in the United States and has been the victim of a crime, he or she may be eligible for a U-visa. U-visas are available to foreign nationals or aliens who are in the United States and entered without inspection ("EWI") or have overstayed an original visa grant.
Qualifying Criminal Activity for U-visas is listed in 8 C.F.R. Sec. 214.14. U-visa petitions require the filing of Form I-918 and a certification by the respective police department, amongst other requirements. A U-visa also entitles the individual to a workers' permit and the possibility of adjusting to a U.S. permanent resident. If an individual or alien is in removal proceedings they may obtain temporary or permanent relief through the grant of a U-visa. U-visas are complex and require representation by an experienced U.S. Immigration lawyer.
Contact Hudson Law Group PLLC.
For further information, call us or send us an email. We are here to help.